University of Maryland
Atlantic Building, Room 2400 4:30 PM Monday, February 26, 2018
Coffee, Tea & Snacks 4:15-4:30 PM

Daniel Berdichevsky
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

A thermodynamics interpretation of electrons density and temperature description in the Sun's corona

We reach a thermodynamic interpretation to a model study of electrons density and temperature grounded on the physics of hydro magnetism in global equilibrium. This is the Coronal Density and Temperature (CODET) model of the Sun K-Corona, see bottom sentences. The thermodynamic interpretation finds consistency of the model with a magneto-matter medium that is diamagnetic, in the context of ideal magneto-hydrodynamics. To achieve the result in a quantitative way we propose that this medium possess an underlying structure that was earlier described to explain the adsorption process, i.e. in this case to be a 3-D Langmuir amorphous lattice in thermodynamic equilibrium. In this way constitutive properties of the medium -magnetic permeability, the non-dispersive acoustic speed, the expected equilibration time for the 1.1 to 1.3 solar radius region are here discussed-, which are determined quantitatively for a portion of the quiescent corona in a near solar minimum that extends for most of years 2008 and almost all 2009.
(The CODET model uses as input photospheric magnetic field, this magnetic field is extrapolated through the solar atmosphere from Potential Field Source Surface (PFSS) model. Also, a flux transport model, an emission model and an optimization algorithm are used.)