W. Vernon Jones<br/><span style="font-size:60%">Senior Scientist for Suborbital Research</span>
NASA Headquarters
Some Impacts of Astro2010 and the Budget Outlook on Astrophysics
In view of the budget outlook one year after the release of the Astro2010 Decadal Survey report in August 2010, it seems likely that the Astrophysics Division will defer initiating the next large mission beyond JWST. However, the Division expects to respond positively for the next level of priorities, with recommendations for augmentations to the Explorer program, the Balloon program, Astrophysics research program, and technology development. And, it will continue to use Senior Review recommendations to prioritize funding for missions in extended operations. Following a brief assessment of the Astro2010 report and an overview of some lesser-known Astrophysics missions, the status of super pressure balloon development and plans for science flights on super pressure balloons will be presented.