James L. Burch
Southwest Research Institute
Magnetospheric Multiscale--The Reconnection Mission
The scientific objective of the NASA
Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is to gain a definitive
understanding of how magnetic reconnection operates in collisionless
plasmas. The mission will utilize a closely-spaced cluster of four
identical spacecraft to explore Earth’s magnetopause and the
magnetotail reconnection regions. Two orbital phases will be used: (1)
1.2 x 12 RE at 28° inclination with dayside apogee and (2) 1.2 x 25 RE
at 10° inclination with nightside apogee. 3-D measurements of plasmas,
energetic particles, electric and magnetic fields, and waves will be
made at high time resolution (1 ms for fields, 25 ms for plasma
electrons, and 150 ms for plasma ions) by the four spacecraft, which
will be maintained in a tetrahedral-type configuration with spacings
between 10 and 400 km, depending on the region under investigation. The
MMS data, which will be assimilated into the latest models of magnetic
reconnection, should lead to significant advances in our understanding
of the role of reconnection by addressing the following questions: