Jordan A. Goodman
Department of Physics, University of Maryland
A New Look at the TeV Sky with the HAWC Gamma Ray Observatory
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma-ray Observatory in the high mountains of Mexico was completed in March of 2015 and is now giving us a new view of the TeV sky. HAWC is 15 times more sensitive than the previous generation of widefield EAS gamma-ray instruments and is able to detect the Crab nebula at >5σ with each daily transit. This talk will present results from the HAWC sky catalog including our study of the galactic plane showing more than a dozen new sources not yet detected by IACTs as well as spectra and morphology of bright sources. HAWC data has revealed new classes of TeV sources including local pulsars that have been thought to contribute to the observed positron excess. We will show how HAWC data constrain this flux. We will also present data showing the highest energy view of the sky (above 50 TeV). In addition, results of our monitoring of transients will be presented.