Claudio Corti
CCMC; University of Hawaii at Manoa
The Integrated Solar Energetic Proton Alert/Warning System (ISEP) R2O Pipeline
The Integrated Solar Energetic Proton Alert/Warning System (ISEP) project is a partnership between Johnson Space Center's Space Radiation Analysis Group (SRAG) and the Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), and Moon to Mars Space Weather Analysis Office (M2M SWAO), whose goals are to identify, transition, and evaluate new models (R2O); develop SEP Scoreboard software tailored for SRAG; and implement these capabilities within CCMC as a non-operational prototype. The ISEP project is an effective NASA in-house R2O2R pipeline for space radiation environment predictive capabilities in support of human missions beyond LEO. As part of ISEP, over 10 SEP models have been implemented from the research community and are now available on the SEP Scoreboard display in real-time. One element of the partnership is the transitioning of ISEP models/software from CCMC to M2M, who provide expert space environment analysis for SRAG console operators. Central to this project was the development of the SEP Scoreboard web application. The SEP scoreboard automatically displays and ingests forecasts of SEP onset, duration, peak flux, probability, all-clear, and overall profile. ISEP is actively evaluating the SEP Scoreboard models and iterating with model developers on improvements. SRAG has developed a validation framework called SPHINX (Solar Particles in the Heliosphere validation INfrastructure for SpWx) as a generalized, automated tool that can validate any kind of forecasted quantity from any type of SEP prediction model. ISEP has also inspired a successful community SEP validation effort called SEPVAL.