These folders on the Cassini Mac contain files used in Cassini processing
This folder contains Bobby's thesis, the excel file 091005_EventsTable_091207.xls and the script for extracting the times, times_list.txt containing the
extracted times, for getting ephemeris data from the UIowa site, and
some slightly out of date documentation for Cassini data processing tasks - "PHA Plot",
"PHA Flux", "Trajectory Plots" and "Website Script Maintenance".
/Users/stephen/Desktop/Stephen's IDL Help
This folder contains older versions of the files in the reference folder.
- miscellaneous files, including old versions of the 20DayAuto applescript file
- the python script used by 20DayAuto to get new CHEMS files from APL. Output
includes newFiles.txt containing a list of the files transferred from APL for this year and the
prior year and pyout.txt that logs error messages from the script.
- script that runs one hour before 20DayAuto and kills 20DayAuto if it is still running
- 20DayAuto_events.log
- the log file for the 20DatAuto applescript
- newxdrList.txt and
- files created by 20DayAuto
- temp_dir.txt
- specifies the location of the temporary directory used by 20DayAuto
- defaults.txt
- used by the IDL programs to specify some default directory locations
- chemssci
- mirrors the /project/cassini/ftpdata/data_L1a/chemssci diretory on the
APL server. mirroring is done by the script using rsync
- chemspha
- mirrors the /project/cassini/ftpdata/data_L1a/chemspha diretory on the
APL server. mirroring is done by the script using rsync
- Scripts
- contains short bash scripts to launch phaplot, phaflux and evtof from the command line
- Text_Files
- contains old text files from 2012 and 2013 used by the IDL programs
- Master_Program_04_07_2014
- contains versions of the IDL programs from April, 2014
- Program_Files
- contains ephemeris files used by the IDL programs
- Master_Program
- contains the IDL source code and support files for the Cassini IDL programs, including
phaflux, phaplot, Ephem_analysis and the file used by 20DayAuto
- 20day_FluxCalc
- contains FluxSpec files created by 20DayAuto
- MPQvs_t
- contains MPQvT files created by 20DayAuto
- Rare_Species
- contains files from 2012 and 2013
- Time_Variation_Flux_Files
- contains data files from 2011 and 2012
- trajectory_plots
- contains trajectory pdf files created manually every year
- Accumulator_Data
- contains cmicha v36 files from 2000 to 2006
- Accumulator_Rates_Outpu
- output files from 2006
- Basic_Rates_Data
- cmichs files from 1999 to present
- Basic_Rates_Output
- counts and rates output files, latest is from 2014
- Ephemeris_Files
- ephemeris_data.txt files and a few EQU and GEO files, latest is from 2011
- Flux_Output
- FluxMix_cmbn, NC_Flux_vs_Energy, Flux_cmbn postscript and text files, latest from 2014
- Magnetometer_Data
- cmihkg files from 2004 to 2014
- PHA_Data
- cmichp files from 1999 to present
- Pitch_Angles_Output
- pitch_angles.txt files from 2006 to 2015
- Pitch_Angles_Plots
- Pitch_Angle_Center Kaleidagraph files from 2014
- Rates_Ratios_Output
- cps_nobgsub txt files
- Spectrogram Year Files
- cps_nobgsub and flux_nobgsub files from 2006 and 2007
- Spectrogram_Output
- flux_nobgsub and a few cps_nobgsub files mostly from 2007
- phaplot_xdr
- PHAhist.xdr files from 20DayAuto
The space mac is running OS X Server. The main web page files are located in the
/Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/ directory. Configuration files are in the
/Library/Server/Web/Config/ directory.
These directories on the space server Mac contain Cassini related files
- /Library/Server/Web/Data/Sites/Default/Projects/Cassini/ -
main web page with these subdirectories
- cali_chemsdata - contains calibration data files
- chemsdata - contains files and folders used by 20DayAuto
- chemsscience - FluxSpec txt and pdf files are transferred here from the Cassini mac by 20DayAuto
- chemsPHA - MPQvT txt and pdf files are transferred here from the Cassini mac by 20DayAuto
- latest_period.txt and newFiles.txt are transferred from the Cassini mac by 20DayAuto
- chemsdata04-15.h5, mpq.pd, fluxspec.pd and chemsdata.h5 are used by the script to update the data on the
EpQ data page and the
MpQ data page
- image_docs - some MS Word and pdf files from 2011 and 2012, Sample MPQ Description, Website Table
- trajectories - contains txt and pdf trajectory files