Cassini/MIMI/CHEMS Plots

On this website we offer two types of data:
(1) 20-day plots of ion Mass per Charge versus time of detection (UT).
(2) 20-day energy per charge Spectrograms for six ion species (H+, He+, H2+, He++, O++, W+).
Both types of plots have one-hour resolution and are based on CHEMS PHA data. The water ion group W+ includes O+, OH+, H2O+, and H3O+.
Use the drop-down lists to choose a plot. Select the year, 20-day time period, and energy per charge step group (for M/Q plots) or ion species (Spectrograms). The E/Q step groups are:


In the Spectrogram section, you may also choose to get a .txt file including all flux values appearing in the spectrogram along with statistical uncertainties. That information is available for all three CHEMS telescopes combined (full 4° x 159° FOV) or by individual telescope (4° x 53° FOV) for years after 2003.

20-Day Mass per Charge Plots [PHA data]



E/Q Steps


Numerical Data from Mass per Charge Plots

Alternate interface to CHEMS 1 hour MpQ data

20-Day Energy per Charge Spectrograms by Ion Species [PHA data]





Numerical Data from Spectrograms

Alternate interface to CHEMS 1 hour EpQ data

Sample Plots and Descriptions

Sample M/Q vs. Time Plot

Sample M/Q vs. Time Plot

Sample Spectrogram

Sample Spectrogram

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Not necessarily the most recent data.

Report technical problems to Doug Hamilton at