Routine Data Products

Routine data products are available from the SWICS and STICS sensors. This data is for browse purposes only and is not citable. George Gloeckler (PI) should be contacted for further information regarding "higher quality" data products.

Daily files (yymmdd_version.gif, e.g., 960121_V01.GIF) are replaced monthly by month-long files (yyyymm_version.gif, e.g., 199512_V01.GIF). Time resolutions are the same for month-long and daily files. Parameters plotted are the following:

Alpha Velocity (km/s) - 15% uncertainty
3 minute resolution
C/O Abundance - 30% uncertainty
4 hour resolution
C Ionization Temperature (MK) - 20% uncertainty
4 hour resolution, calculated using C6+/C5+ and tables of Arnaud and Rothenflug, 1985
O Ionization Temperature (MK) - 20% uncertainty
4 hour resolution, calculated using O7+/O6+ and tables of Arnaud and Rothenflug, 1985

Daily files (stics_yyyymmdd.png, e.g., STICS_19960110.png) are replaced monthly by 27-day-long files (stics_yyyymmdd_yyyymmdd.png, e.g., STICS_19951215_19960110.png). Time resolutions for the 27-day-long files are 30 minutes for the counting rates. Parameters plotted are the following (with resolutions appropriate for the daily files):

Alpha Velocity (km/s) - 10% uncertainty
3 minute resolution, from the MASS sensor
Front SEDA Rates for telescopes 1, 2, and 3 (counts/spin)
6 minute resolution, averaged over 6 - 223 keV/e, measures particle intensity with no ion distinction
Basic Rates 0, 1, and 2 (counts/spin)
6 minute resolution, averaged over 6 - 223 keV/e, BR0 is m/q = 1.2 - 11 amu/e, m > 9 amu; BR1 is singly charged ions (O+, N+, etc) and molecules; BR2 is H+, He+, He2+
Proton and Alpha Matrix rates (counts/spin)
6 minute resolution, averaged over 6 - 223 keV/e
He+ and O+ Matrix Rates (counts/spin)
6 minute resolution, averaged over 6 - 223 keV/e

Note: Older versions of Internet Explorer cannot display png graphic files. You can download the files to view them in a graphics program on your comupter or use a browser such as Netscape Communicator to view the files in a web browser.

Data.html last modified on 9/13/05 at 8:49 PM by sel