Links to
Ulysses Investigations currently available:
Links to
Voyager Investigations currently available:
Links to
IMP 8 Investigations currently available:
Links to
Geotail Investigations currently available:
- Energetic Particle and Ion Composition Investigation EPIC
- Comprehensive Plasma Instrument CPI
Links to YOHKOH investigations currently available:
- Soft X-ray Telescope Experiment SXT (Lockheed)
- Soft X-ray Telescope Experiment SXT (Mullard Space Science Laboratory)
Links to
SPARTAN 201-03 investigations currently available:
Links to
WIND investigations currently available:
- Wind Homepage Brief Overview of Investigations
- Three-Dimensional Plasma and Energetic Particle Investigation 3D Plasma
- Solar Wind Experiment SWE
- The Solar Wind and Suprathermal
Ion Composition Investigation SMS (UMD)
- The Solar Wind and Suprathermal
Ion Composition Investigation SMS (UB)
- Magnetic Field Investigation MFI
- Radio and Plasma Waves Investigation WAVES
Links to
Pioneer investigations currently available:
Links to
SOHO investigations currently available (courtesy
SOHO homepage: scientific payload by Luis Sánchez Duarte):
from the Universität Bern, in
COSTEP from the
University of Kiel, Germany (in German).
EIT from the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.
ERNE from the University of Turku, in Finland.
GOLF, from the
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France.
LASCO from the Naval Research Laboratory, USA.
MDI/SOI from Stanford University, USA.
SWAN from
FMI, Finland.
- SWAN from Service d'Aeronomie, France (in French).
UVCS from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, USA.
VIRGO investigations, from ESTEC.
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Mission Descriptions.